The first thing I want to say is EPIC. What does EPIC stand for? EPIC stands for Evolving Personalized Information Construct. Based on my research, there are so many thing to discuss EPIC such as Googlezon And The Newsmasters, predictions about the future of Google, Amazon and our connectivity, Web 2.0, and more. So I would like to say something about Web on this topic.
As Internet use increases, the web site will have to change to meet the new requirements. The changes on the Internet can be classified into the generation of the Web site.
- Web 1.0: at the beginning the company created the web site as the company's online catalog.
- Web 2.0: when the Internet becomes more sophisticated, more companies are aware of its potential. Managers set the web site reflects the company's issues: relationships with investors, the company's mission and the message of the president of the company.
- Web 3.0: when the company began to understand the potential of the Internet to promote themselves transactions between businesses and between businesses and customers, the web site becomes simpler, faster and collective middle than on the specific needs of individuals visiting the site.
- Web 4.0: the future of the Internet is the fourth generation web site. The 4th generation web site on the same form as the third generation of the web site. Difference between the third and the fourth of web sites are all mostly behind the technology perspective. The 4th generation site is created dynamically and is tightly integrated into the company's operations.