Monday, June 30, 2014

The Machine is (US)ing US

The first thing I want to say is EPIC. What does EPIC stand for? EPIC stands for Evolving Personalized Information Construct. Based on my research, there are so many thing to discuss EPIC such as Googlezon And The Newsmasters, predictions about the future of Google, Amazon and our connectivity, Web 2.0, and more. So I would like to say something about Web on this topic.

As Internet use increases, the web site will have to change to meet the new requirements. The changes on the Internet can be classified into the generation of the Web site.
  • Web 1.0: at the beginning the company created the web site as the company's online catalog.
  • Web 2.0: when the Internet becomes more sophisticated, more companies are aware of its potential. Managers set the web site reflects the company's issues: relationships with investors, the company's mission and the message of the president of the company.
  • Web 3.0: when the company began to understand the potential of the Internet to promote themselves transactions between businesses and between businesses and customers, the web site becomes simpler, faster and collective middle than on the specific needs of individuals visiting the site.
  • Web 4.0: the future of the Internet is the fourth generation web site. The 4th generation web site on the same form as the third generation of the web site. Difference between the third and the fourth of web sites are all mostly behind the technology perspective. The 4th generation site is created dynamically and is tightly integrated into the company's operations.
A big thanks to as well as EPIC 2015 to help me get more information to do on this topic.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Email Vs. Postal Service

Clearly, Email and Postal Service are very important for all people around the world using today. For example, you want to send messages and some pictures to your friends. Remember that you can send to a lot of people; I am not sure that there is limited or unlimited recipient (receiver). The thing I try to mention here that it does not matter that your friends who come from the U.S. or Vietnam. Furthermore, the most important thing is Email is free and fast. In contrast, if you are using Post Service like USPS, you can do the same thing as Email; however, you have to pay your money for the service as well as the time for receiver who will be waiting to get it. That could take one to ten days.

Overall, here is something to think about similarities and differences between Email and Postal Service:

  1. The speed: The greatest advantage of sending email is that it is much faster than writing a standard letter. Email will take a few seconds to be delivered, while regular mail can take from one to ten days.
  2. Flexibility: The truth is Email is very fast, however, they lack the flexibility of regular mail. For example, I can send and receive packages, magazines, brochures and more via postal delivery but not by electronic mail.
  3. Multiple Recipients: the great thing from Email is I can send letters to multiple email recipients within seconds by including their email addresses in the "To:" or "BCC:" boxes. While if I am using Post Service, I will have to pay postage for each letter that I send.
  4. Safety: my choice is Postal Service (mail) because computer viruses can sometimes be attached to unsolicited emails that I may receive; they will damage my hard drive and destroy my stored information.
The greatest advantage of sending email is that it is much faster than writing a standard letter.

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The greatest advantage of sending email is that it is much faster than writing a standard letter.

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The greatest advantage of sending email is that it is much faster than writing a standard letter.

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What do I want out of this class?

My expectation when I am trying to learn something is about Information Technology. I am going to choose HTML5 from Web as the technology that I am gonna to discuss. What is the most advantages of HTML5? HTML5 will change many aspects of life on the Web. It does not replace Flash or Shockwave: Can be used in games at This shows how HTML5 influence. However, the redesigned Web and HTML5 allows Web sites basically provide more convenience. HTML5 tags will replace plug-in in the simple things and make the Web more securely and more efficiently.

Another great thing is  HTML5 makes video of Web more beautiful - The HTML5 standard to help developers more easily integrated video with information on the page, provides application programmers to external jQuery and PHP Flash, Silverlight or JavaFX. There are so many advantages of HTML5 to tell. Here is just one of an example from Information Technology.

In addition, the explosion of Information Technology, with the mobile platform technology, cloud, big data trend is forming to develop "smart" in all areas of intelligent infrastructure, smart urban, health and education intelligent. Furthermore, I have been through one week to learn some basic things from Information Technology such as Internet, World Wide Web, TCP/IP, Email, TCP, and so on. Overall, I just want to learn all of thing from Information Technology and apply it to my life and my career, not learn, and then forget.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

What is internet? History of world wide web

Sometimes you ask yourself something such as a history of burgers, Pho (Vietnamese Noodle Soup), internet, etc. So I pick the third one - internet. What is internet? "The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) to link several billion devices worldwide." Why TCP/IP and what does TCP/IP stand for? TCP/IP is a set of networking protocols that allows two or more computers to communicate and basically stands for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol.

Starting from a simple page with links to allow a group of scientists to share data within the laboratory, but in the 20 years since then, it has become an indispensable part of the lives of billions of people. Not to be confused between WWW and internet. They are related to each other but not identical. Internet terminology, launched in 1974, refers to a vast network infrastructure connecting millions of computers. Meanwhile, the WWW is the method to access information through the Internet using web sites.

 Some interesting information about the World Wide Web: 
  1. Before choosing the name World Wide Web, Tim Berners-Lee had planned to use the name later given to the concept that he made: Information Mesh, Mine of Information, or The Information Mine.
  2. The first website and first web browser was written on the NeXT computer, the computer company founded by Steve Jobs after Jobs was kicked out of Apple. 
  3. The first web browser was written by Lee Berrners with C language, called WorldWideWeb. He took 3 months to complete. This browser only works on NeXT computer platform.