Again, we had learned so many things from our guest speaker, Brian Forth, who comes from the company SITECRAFTING on Monday July 4th. During one hour of guest speaking, we knew a lot of things about Brian Forth as well as his company. The first thing was that Brian introduced himself. Before he became a CEO of SITECRAFTING, he was in Film or Philosophy from his college major. Brian also mentioned that he wants to become an Elementary School Teacher to teaching fifth grade.
The second thing was Brian talked about his company and what his company is doing now. His company is located at three location such as Tacoma, Spokane, and Olympia. His company basically is Web Design and Web Development which are provided server and products services. They are hired some graphic designer to design and develop his company product to customers. Brian's company also has Data Center and a great service that supporting and taking care customer who got a big problem when server goes down.
The last thing Brian mentioned about SEO. What is SEO? "Search Engine Optimization is the process of improving the visibility of a website on organic ("natural" or un-paid) search engine result pages (SERPs), by incorporating search engine friendly elements into a website." Furthermore, Brian's company is using Drupal and WordPress to design and develop website. Since we did not have enough time, that's why I could not ask any question that related to Mobile Application.
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